Monday, July 23, 2012


Brittany here, Bet you thought I forgot about you? I didn't!
Its amazing to me, I am getting my degree, and here, Mrs (!) Ashley has been doing all the blog work-and actually getting people to read, and participate! That is so cool! I love it! Its fun to know I  am not just talking to thin air here! Hi!  (waves awkwardly)
wow! So very much has happened since I last blogged- I moved several times, I changed schools, changed my major.....our baby blog has grown so much!
Aug 11 is the Iowa TSS-US chapter meeting. Its from 1-3 (Iowa time) Blank children s hospital, the Snow White room on the 5th floor.  Anyone is welcome!
The other day (last semester actually)  one of the things I fear most happened.  I was found out! My professor asked me if I had ADD.  I  have worried about this a lot. I have slowly realized, "normal " is not a thing, and its relative. Because of this, I have become much more confident, and I realize that my slip ups aren't as bad as I think. However, this teacher, saw something in me that screamed ADD. Maybe it was the internet surfing while she was "teaching."  I like to think I am a multitask-er, and also that the professor couldn't see me.  Well, so, after finals she pulls me aside, and asks if I had been diagnosed with something.  She asked if I had ADD, and if I had been in contact with student disability services.  I had no clue what to do, how could I get out of this? I had been diagnosed with ADD when I was younger-well, it turns out it was Nonverbal Learning disorder.  So, I had to say, no, not ADD, just Nonverbal.  She goes Oh OK, so it is something, and you need to go to student services. doesn't even ask what it is!  They will help your "quality of life"  She spent an hour telling me about this, how its like insurance there if I need it, but if I don't, its not. I have looked in to Student services a bit before this.  Student Services doesn't help with me being socially awkward, or being scatterbrained.  And also-I am not disabled thank you very much!  I like to think I am slightly normal, just very bubbly. I do pretty well in classes.  I had learned all sorts of tricks and tips to appear as normal as possible.
My major used to be Elementary/Middle level education. (I was gonna be a teacher) As a teacher, I learned ADD is one of the most common things diagnosed in children. There are other things out there, like NVBL learning disorder.  People need to know about the difference.  You give treatment for them differently, and, you help the people with them differently.
NVBL messes with recognizing facial expressions, and directions. A list of symptoms reads like a personal description of me. (minus the reading things-I love books!)  I am famous for being able to "get lost in a parking lot"  I frequently spend up to 2 hours trying to find a place, if I haven't been there before and I haven't got an address.  don't get me started on my phone! I am not good at the technical details of this. I have provided sites that have all the information you will need, if you want it.
Here are the sites that have the bare bones of NVBL, and ADD as well as Asperger's.  The one that makes it the clearest-for me anyway-is linked above.
Thanks for listening :)  This one is pretty heavy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Rosey observation
As for Spacial conception,there are times when my parents would watch me forget where I was and "walk on by"; I think it is because I get engrossed in other things.I am learning how to go slower and concentrate a bit more "what" I am doing.I also have to realize what is more important and "stick with the task at hand".