Sunday, December 30, 2012

Being thankful

So, we are supposed to write about why we are thankful for TS. I never would have travailed so much, or hey! met Ashley with out it. There are still things i am gonna miss-Being pregnant- but its mostly no big deal. Christmas was Awesome. I was thoroughly spoiled with all sorts of things that I need. New years will be fun! I am going to be into my last semester of collage. I am excited about it.Then its off to the real world for Miss Brittany Blogger ha-ha Here we go! happy 2013!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never grumbled with having Turner's because I realized that I was supposed to accept the "challenges" that come with Life. I was blessed with two sweet brothers who are the "heroes" I always looked up to.In my education,I realized that I had won a great challenge and have a Degree to show for the hard work I put in. My Faith and heart have been my strength and forte.