Thursday, September 12, 2013

Brittany's Back!

So, its been awile from Brittany eh?
I got a job! I am a bagger at a local chain of groceries stores! It is a good job, and I enjoy it a lot.
Not a lot of other things going on right now, I am trying to find a work, life balance. Its surprisingly crazy.
I don’t really have a lot to say. Life is good.
At work there are lots of pregnant people and surprisingly, its not triggering any kind of “Ts Moment” like it would in the past. So, maybe I have matured, or maybe I have realized  that not now doesn’t mean not ever.
Or maybe I had a good long look at my finances and realized there is no way I am ready for that in any way shape or form.
Yeah. That one. No really interesting books or other life events to report on. So Ill let y’all get back to real life.
Bye, and see ya soon

1 comment:

Rose04 said...

I am enjoying the slow days, and feel wonderfully relaxed.In every new "day", I feel gracious and thankful for all the contacts I share with online.

Taking from a smooth "Gloved one" hit,I know that God helps me and keeps reminding me "You are not alone"